repetitive value assignment in a while loop, Python -
please @ following while loop code written in python:
x=25 epsilon=0.01 high=max(1.0,x) low=0.0 *ans=(low+high)/2.0* while abs(ans**2-x)>=epsilon: if ans2>x: high=ans else: low=ans *ans = (high + low)/2.0* print("ans:",ans,)
this guess loop (exhaustion), should find approx square root of positive number within margin error on 0,01. cant understand why must define ans (ans=(low+high)/2.0) second time, first before loop , again in loop. tell me purpose second definition have since im seeing first 1 being enough?
thanks arif
it's because need perform calculation on each iteration of loop including first iteration. since while test first part of loop, need once before loop starts.
here's way 1 statement:
while true: *ans = (high + low)/2.0* if abs(ans**2-x)>=epsilon: break if ans2>x: high=ans else: low=ans
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