replace - Tortoisehg merge is replacing a code -

i beginner tortoisehg.

i create 2 branch within same repository.(default , experimentbranch)having different code commited (not pushed).

i want merge code of 2 branches. commited first default branch,

say have 2 files , b

branch name: defalt
filename-content: - addition func
b - subtraction , multiplication func

now altered containt like.,

branch name: experimentbranch(created new branch)
filename-content: - subtraction , multiplication func
b - addition

update default branch , merge experimentbranch default then, observed like,

branch name: default (merge experimentbranch)
filename-content: - subtraction , multiplication func
b - addition

there no conflict generated...!! merge resolver not event asking me select merge resolver.

it seems default branch code replaced experimentbranch code, instead of merging.

i had lots of questions this.

  1. why merge resolver not generating conflict?

  2. why merge resolver not asking me selection of resolver tools?

  3. why code replaced instead of merging?

what want is, file content-> addition, subtraction , multiplication function

file b content-> addition, subtraction , multiplication function

also have seen videos of , unable rid of trouble.

also go through tortoisehg: kdiff3 doesn't run during merge not overcome.

conflict not generated cannot use kdiff3.

please suggest how can merge code of 2 branches?


utsavi bharuchwala


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