javascript - how to combine ng-if , ng-click and ng-show and use them together -


i try sperate admin , customer in different stage or view.

so that, admin can modify table before releasing customers.

questions in table -> td there button control staging, release(show) or revert (hide)?

so wanna every table checked can shown on both in admin , customer. if it's unchecked, data show admin.

currently, code disabled whole table-body instead of 1 row.

is there way check or uncheck 1 row?

thanks advice.

 $scope.showdiv = isadmin();              $scope.toggleshowdiv = function () {                  $scope.showdiv = !isadmin()&isadmin();              console.log('fired');              };
<script src=""></script>  <thead>    <tr>      <th style="width: 80px">foo1</th>      <th style="width: 80px">foo2</th>      <th style="width: 200px">foo3</th>      <th>foo4</th>      <th>foo5</th>      <th>foo6</th>          </tr>  </thead>  <tbody class="auction-group" ng-repeat="a in foos" ng-if="showdiv">    <tr>      <td>abcd1</td>      <td>abcd1</td>      <td>abcd1</td>      <td>abcd3</td>        <td>abcd4</td>      <td>abcd5</td>        //is admin - show admin      <td ng-if="::isadmin()">        <input type="checkbox" ng-click="toggleshowdiv()" />        </td>    </tr>  </tbody>

take first ng-if outside ng-repeat

<div ng-if="showdiv">    <tbody class="auction-group" ng-repeat="a in foos"> </div> 

second ng-if should this,

<td ng-if="isadmin()">       <input type="checkbox" ng-click="toggleshowdiv()" /> </td> 


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