vba - READYSTATE never get the COMPLETED state -

the below macro works in ie9, when using ie11 stops on do while statement. also, set htmldoc = ie.document not work same reason.

note website not work restricted users only.

option explicit  sub gethtmldocument()  dim ie new shdocvw.internetexplorer dim htmldoc mshtml.htmldocument dim htmlinput mshtml.ihtmlelement dim htmlbuttons mshtml.ihtmlelementcollection dim htmlbutton mshtml.ihtmlelement   ie.visible = true ie.navigate "siiprodsrs01.db.sma"  while ie.readystate <> readystate_complete  loop   set htmldoc = ie.document  set htmlinput = htmldoc.getelementbyid("what") htmlinput.value = "12345"  set htmlbuttons = htmldoc.getelementsbytagname("button")  each htmlbutton in htmlbuttons debug.print htmlbutton.classname, htmlbutton.tagname, htmlbutton.id, htmlbutton.innertext  next htmlbutton  htmlbuttons(0).click  end sub 

the problem ie readystate never completed state during while, happened me many time, reading online seem ie problem,

sometime helped me

do while ie.busy or ie.readystate <> readystate_complete     doevents loop 

an alternative declare ie object event , use ie_documentcomplete event:

option explicit 'requires microsoft internet controls reference library dim withevents ie internetexplorer sub start_here()     set ie = new internetexplorer     ie.visible = true     'first url go, next actions executed in     'webbrowser event sub procedure - documentcomplete     ie.navigate "siiprodsrs01.db.sma" end sub  private sub ie_documentcomplete(byval pdisp object, url variant)     'pdisp returned explorer object in event     'pdisp.document htmldocument control can use     set htmldoc = pdisp.document     'since there no do-loop, have know using reference     if instr(1, url, "siiprodsrs01.db.sma") > 0         set htmlinput = pddisp.document.getelementbyid("what")         htmlinput.value = "12345"          set htmlbuttons = htmldoc.getelementsbytagname("button")          each htmlbutton in htmlbuttons             debug.print htmlbutton.classname, htmlbutton.tagname, htmlbutton.id,              htmlbutton.innertext         next htmlbutton          htmlbuttons(0).click      end if end sub 


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