swift - CloudKit - "Invalid bundle ID for container" -

i've create project in xcode 9 beta 6 , add code:

let privatedb = ckcontainer.default().privateclouddatabase let greatid = ckrecordid(recordname: "greatplace") let place = ckrecord(recordtype: "place", recordid: greatid)  privatedb.save(place) { (record, error) in         if error != nil {             let er = (error as! ckerror).erroruserinfo             print("error: \n")             print("ckerrordescription: \(er["ckerrordescription"]!)\n")             print("containerid: \(er["containerid"]!)\n")             print("nsdebugdescription: \(er["nsdebugdescription"]!)\n")             print("nsunderlyingerror: \(er["nsunderlyingerror"]!)\n")             print("nslocalizeddescription: \(er["nslocalizeddescription"]!)\n")             print("servererrordescription: \(er["servererrordescription"]!)\n")         }         if record != nil {             print("record: \(record!)")         }  } 

and add capabilities:

enter image description here

and when run code receive error message:

enter image description here

what doing wrong ?

there bug causing associations missed. bug has been fixed , automatically fixed container/app associations broken during time.

if reason still need redo association can either use capabilities pane in xcode or use developer.apple.com -> certificates, identifiers & profiles -> app ids -> pick id -> edit -> edit under icloud -> check box container disassociate, save, re-associate.

if you're still stuck please email cloudkit[at]apple.com


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