ruby - AWS Code Deploy, Deployment succeeds but start_server script fails -

i attempting run ruby sinatra web server on ec2 instance nohup & command. have got site deploy, , kills server no problem if up, reason when attempts run start_server script on "after install" hook, error:

2017-09-10 23:51:34 [stdout]could not locate gemfile or .bundle/ directory 

the bash script trying go 1 directory , run startup command. when login ec2 manually , run script myself inside ec2 server, works charm. reason when code deploy tries run it, deploys successfully, log above gives me error. bash script simple 1 liner:

(cd .. && nohup sudo bundle exec rackup -p80 -o &) 

anyone know causing issue makes file run , server starts right when script run manually fail when code deploy tries run same script? deploying github if makes difference. if need see appspec.yml reason, here is:

version: 0.0 os: linux files:    - source: /.      destination: /var/www/  permissions:    - object: /var/www/      mode: 755   hooks:    beforeinstall:      - location: scripts/        timeout: 300        runas: root      - location: scripts/        timeout: 300        runas: root   afterinstall:     - location: scripts/       timeout: 300       runas: root 

if want take @ github , see if there obvious mistakes, located here:



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