javascript - Use ngModel on a custom directive with an embedded form, with working validation? -

i have commonly reused set of form inputs reused throughout application, trying encapsulate them in custom directive. want set ngmodel on directive , have split editable in several different inputs (some of them directives themselves) within main directive.

at same time, need form validation results passed chain parent form can display appropriate messages , styles.

what simplest , idiomatic way implement this?

these (simplified) templates should give example of i'm going for...


<form name="outerform">   <my-directive     ng-model="ctrl.mycomplexmodel"     name="mydirectiveinstance"     custom-required="ctrl.enablevalidateone"     toggle-another-validation="ctrl.enablevalidatetwo">   </my-directive>   <div ng-messages="outerform.mydirectiveinstance.$error">     <ng-message when="customrequired">this required.</ng-message>     <ng-message when="anothervalidation">this required.</ng-message>     <ng-message when="innervalidationone">something wrong field 1.</ng-message>     <ng-message when="innervalidationtwo">something wrong field 2.</ng-message>     <ng-message when="innervalidationthree">something wrong field 3.</ng-message>     <!-- etc... -->   </div> </form> 


<div ng-form="mydirectiveform">   <div ng-class="{'has-error': mydirectiveform.fieldone.$invalid}">     <ui-select       ng-model="model.fieldone"       name="fieldone"       required>     </ui-select>   </div>   <div ng-class="{'has-error': mydirectiveform.fieldtwo.$invalid}">     <input       type="number"       ng-model="model.fieldtwo"       name="fieldtwo"       ng-pattern="directivectrl.someregex"       ng-required="directivectrl.fieldtwoisrequired">   </div>   <!-- etc... --> </div> 

at moment, both mydirectiveform , mydirectiveinstance publishing properties of outerform formcontroller. hoping make directive black box, fact mydirectiveform attaching directly outerform bothers me , seems indicate i'm doing wrong.

here's directive definition looks right now.


app.directive('mydirective', function() {   return {     restrict: 'e',     template: 'mydirectivetemplate.html',     controller: 'mydirectivectrl',     scope: {       model: '=ngmodel',       customrequired: '=?',       toggleanothervalidation: '=?'     },     require: 'ngmodel',     link: function(scope, ielem, iattrs, ngmodelcontroller) {        // black-box internal validators        // custom validator avoid conflicts ngrequired       ngmodelcontroller.$validators.customrequired = function(modelvalue, viewvalue) {         if(!scope.customrequired)           return true;          // on first digest field isn't registered on form controller yet         if(angular.isundefined(scope.mydirectiveform.fieldone))           return true;          return !scope.mydirectiveform.fieldone.$error.required;       };        ngmodelcontroller.$validators.anothervalidation = function(modelvalue, viewvalue) {         if(!scope.anothervalidation)           return true;          return scope.passesbusinessrule();       };        ngmodelcontroller.$validators.innervalidationone = function(modelvalue, viewvalue) {         if(!scope.anothervalidation)           return true;          if(angular.isundefined(scope.mydirectiveform.fieldtwo))           return true;          return !scope.mydirectiveform.fieldtwo.$error.pattern;       };        /* etc... */        // deep-watching model validations trigger on updates of properties       scope.$watch('model', function() {         ngmodelcontroller.$validate();       }, true);     }   }; }); 

this how understand directives. in case both ng-model , mydirective directives. it's not clear me if doing

1) wrapper on ng-model or 2) custom directive

because if want custom directive, can pass in data, ex.

{ scope: { data: '=' }

and if want wrapper, shouldn't pass in other properties related ngmodel, means can still pass in data

ctrl.mycomplexmodel, btw. model object can not assigned ng-model, because ng-model not hold object, holds data.

note: found post, angularjs - create directive uses ng-model

and apparently, can pass in model,

anyway, it's complicated me :) if want make wrapper, pattern seems me

  1. pass in data
  2. "has a" object

but apparently might doing "is a" object.


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