javascript - How to extract month, day, year, hour in Unix Timestamp? -

in database insert date , time converted timestamp using strtotime, "1444600800" , have time duration service converted same process, "1443740700", using, its', in calendar events, coded event:

  events: [                     {                         title: 'all day event',                         start: new date(y, m, 1),                         end: new date(y, m, d, 13, 30),                         backgroundcolor: "#f56954", //red                          bordercolor: "#f56954" //red                     } ] 

i coded don't succeed:

events:     [     <?php $event_query = mysql_query("select *,time_format   (`appoint_date`, '%h:%i') appointment inner join service,user  appointment.user_id = user.user_id , service.service_id =  appointment.service_id")or die(mysql_error());           while($event_row = mysql_fetch_array($event_query)){       ?>     {         title  : '<?php echo $event_row['firstname']; ?> ',         start  : <?php echo $event_row['appoint_date']; ?>,         end  : <?php echo $event_row['duration']; ?>,         allday: false,         backgroundcolor: "#3c8dbc", //primary (light-blue)         bordercolor: "#3c8dbc" //primary (light-blue)     },     <?php } ?>     ] 

i thinking of extracting date, month, hour in timestamp , can add hour value of timestamp service duration date , time timestamp , code sample. formula :

`$nextweek = time() + (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);                // 7 days; 24 hours; 60 mins; 60 secs echo 'now:       '. date('y-m-d') ."\n"; echo 'next week: '. date('y-m-d', $nextweek) ."\n"; // or using strtotime(): echo 'next week: '. date('y-m-d', strtotime('+1 week')) ."\n";` 

what do?

start: new date(<?=$event_row['appoint_date']?>000) 

note need multiply 1000 (in above, add 3 zeroes) because timestamps in js in milliseconds, whereas in php they're in seconds.


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