vb.net - Quadratic equation with complex roots -

i learning visual basic , have been trying write code solve quadratic equations complex number roots. pointer in right direction appreciated.

public class form1     dim a, b, c integer     dim x1, x2 double      private sub label4_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles label4.click      end sub      private sub textbox4_textchanged(sender object, e eventargs) handles eqnrt1.textchanged      end sub      private sub button3_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles btnexit.click         close()     end sub      private sub btnclear_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles btnclear.click         txta.text = ""         txtb.text = ""         txtc.text = ""         eqnrt1.text = ""         eqnrt2.text = ""     end sub      private sub btncalc_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles btncalc.click         dim a,b,c integer         = txta.text          b = txtb.text          c = txtc.text           dim x1 = (-b + math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * * c)) / (2 * a)         dim x2 = (-b - math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * * c)) / (2 * a)         eqnrt1.text = str(x1)         eqnrt2.text = str(x2)     end sub      private sub form1_load(sender object, e eventargs) handles mybase.load      end sub end class 

there quite few answers on internet ...

    sub main()      dim a, b, c single     console.writeline("write coefficient 'a'")     = console.readline     console.writeline("write coefficient 'b'")     b = console.readline     console.writeline("write coefficient 'c'")     c = console.readline      dim d integer = b ^ 2 - 4 * * c     if d >= 0         if d = 0             console.writeline("roots real , equal")         else             console.writeline("roots real , different")         end if          console.write("roots are: ")         console.write((-b + d ^ 0.5) / (2 * a) & " , ")         console.writeline((-b - d ^ 0.5) / (2 * a))      else         console.writeline("roots complex")         console.write("roots are: ")         console.write(-b / (2 * a) & "+" & (d * -1) ^ 0.5 / (2 * a) & "i")         console.write(" , ")         console.writeline(-b / (2 * a) & "-" & (d * -1) ^ 0.5 / (2 * a) & "i")      end if     console.readline()  end sub 


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