3d - Monogame imported Blender .FBX unaffected by lighting -

i upgraded old monogame project latest version of monogame. running used to, however, imported .fbx models appearing pure black (implying they're not being lit up).

enter image description here

(the burgers+tapes made dynamically using quads @ runtime. affected lighting should be).

my code (which worked in older versions of monogame) displaying model follows:

public override void draw()     {         foreach (modelmesh mesh in model.meshes)         {             foreach (basiceffect effect in mesh.effects)             {                 effect.world = matrix.createrotationz(rotx);                 effect.world *= matrix.createrotationx(roty);                 effect.world *= matrix.createtranslation(new vector3(pos.x,                                                                     pos.y,                                                                     0f));                  effect.view = maingame.matrixview;                 effect.projection = maingame.matrixproj;                  effect.textureenabled = true;                 effect.texture = tex;                  effect.enabledefaultlighting();                 effect.ambientlightcolor = new vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);                 effect.emissivecolor = new vector3(1, 0, 0);             }              mesh.draw();         }     } 

the models exporteed blender fbx 7.4 binary (the project doesn't compile if use fbx 6.1 ascii).

thanks in advance. hope it's not silly i've overlooked.

i having same issue last week. i'm thinking problem blender's binary fbx exporter textures aren't being exported or referenced in *.fbx file properly. i'm assuming because built ascii version in xna , referenced compiled *.xnb file in monogame version of game , render's properly. fix i've been using is:

export ascii , build in xna first
it's not cleanest way it, until fbx exporter get's patched it's needed.

reference *.xnb file in monogame
reference compiled xnb files , set 'build action' 'copy'. remember you'll need reference built texture files well.

hope clears up.


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