windows - Open Alternate Data Stream (ADS) from file handle or file ID -

i open alternate data stream of file using existing handle file, or using file id. way found full name (file name + ads name). afraid of file being renamed during operation.

is there way that?

this easy ntopenfile or ntcreatefile

for example open existing ads on hfile

ntstatus openads(phandle filehandle, access_mask desiredaccess, handle hfile, pcwstr name) {     io_status_block iosb;     unicode_string objectname;     rtlinitunicodestring(&objectname, name);     object_attributes oa = { sizeof(oa), hfile, &objectname };     return ntopenfile(filehandle, desiredaccess, &oa, &iosb, file_share_valid_flags, file_synchronous_io_nonalert); } 

where name l":test_stream" (begin :)


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