c# - LINQ conversion to List object -

i using following code return ilist:

filename = path.getfilename(files[i]); ilist<datax> querylistfromftp = datax.getlistfromftp(filename); querylistfromftp = (ilist<datax>)querylistfromftp     .select(x => new { x.user_id, x.date, x.application_id })     .tolist()     .distinct(); 

however keep getting error:

unable cast object of type 'd__7a1[<>f__anonymoustype03[system.string,system.string,system.string]]' type 'system.collections.generic.ilist`1[dataxlibrary.datax]'.

what doing wrong?

if want list < datax > need is:

ilist<datax> querylistfromftp = datax.getlistfromftp(filename).distinct().tolist(); // use querylistfromftp here. 

if want list of different type of object result of .select, need store result in list of object of type i.e. anonymous if that's want.


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