mysql - Remote db connection issues -

i trying log mysql using ssh using command:

mysql -u username -p -h hostname 

where 'username' , 'hostname' , placeholders real params. however, above gives error :

error 1045 (28000): access denied user 'username'@'' (using password: yes) 

why appending "@vps-xx...." remote server username?

place on root

grant privileges on *.* 'username'@'ip' identified 'password' grant options; 

privileges provided mysql

once have finalized permissions want set new users, sure reload privileges.

flush privileges; 

how grant different user permissions

here short list of other common possible permissions users can enjoy.

  1. all privileges- saw previously, allow mysql user access designated database (or if no database selected, across system)
  2. create- allows them create new tables or databases
  3. drop- allows them them delete tables or databases
  4. delete- allows them delete rows tables
  5. insert- allows them insert rows tables
  6. select- allows them use select command read through databases
  7. update- allow them update table rows
  8. grant option- allows them grant or remove other users' privileges


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