angularjs - JSON string gets parsed correctly in Postman but the same fails in JavaScript -

this json string passing post request:

  var data =    {           "location": {             "value": {               "href": "http://localhost:8080/restful/objects/businessentities.location/47"             }           },           "asset": {             "value": {               "href": "http://localhost:8080/restful/objects/businessentities.asset/36"             }           }   } 

the angularjs resource code is:

var audititemcreate = $resource(   apiurl +   '/restful/services/domainapp.dom.businessentities.audititemmenu/actions/create/invoke/');  var a2 = new audititemcreate(); a2.$save(data)      .then(function(res)  { console.log("success") })      .catch(function(req) { console.log("error saving obj: " + json.stringify(req, null, 4)); }) 

however getting server response 422 (unprocessable entity) error:

error saving obj: {     "data": {         "asset": {             "value": "{\"value\":{\"href\":\"http://localhost:8080/restful/objects/businessentities.asset/36\"}}",             "invalidreason": "expected link (because object's type not value) found no 'href'"         },         "location": {             "value": "{\"value\":{\"href\":\"http://localhost:8080/restful/objects/businessentities.location/47\"}}",             "invalidreason": "expected link (because object's type not value) found no 'href'"         },         "x-ro-invalidreason": "mandatory"     }, 

that same json string works when used in postman.

i able solve issue -- using own resource class, rather resource instance.


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