javascript - Synced Cron Expire on Simple Schema -

i'm having trouble setting cron job percolate:synced-cron package expire collection entries based on simple schema date , time fields. there way this, or doing wrong?

i'm receiving following error below:

typeerror: posts.find(...).toarray not function

synced cron code

syncedcron.start();   syncedcron.add({   name: 'expire events',   schedule: function(parser) {     // parser later.parse object     return parser.text('every 15 minutes');   },   job: function() {     expiretoday = posts.find ({       date: new date().toisostring().substring(0,10)     }).toarray();     console.log(expiretoday);     (i = 0; < expiretoday.length; i++) {       expireid = expiretoday.eq(i)._id;       console.log(expireid);       if (expiretoday.eq(i).time < new date().totimestring().substring(0,5)) {         posts.deleteone({_id : expireid});       }     }   } }); 

simple schema coffee code

schemas.posts = new simpleschema     title:         type:string         max: 60         optional: true      content:         type: string         optional: true         autoform:             rows: 5      createdat:         type: date         autovalue: ->             if this.isinsert                 new date()      updatedat:         type:date         optional:true         autovalue: ->             if this.isupdate                 new date()       time:         type: string         optional: false         autoform:             affieldinput:                 type: 'time'       date:         type: string         optional: false         autoform:             affieldinput:                 type: 'date'       owner:         type: string         regex:         autovalue: ->             if this.isinsert                 meteor.userid()         autoform:             options: ->        meteor.users.find().fetch(), (user)->                     label: user.emails[0].address                     value: user._id 

example mongo date , time

"date" : "2017-09-10" "time" : "01:01" 

the error message telling failed:

expiretoday = posts.find ({   date: new date().toisostring().substring(0,10) }).toarray(); 

it means posts.find() didn't return converted array.

it returns cursor, maybe meant add .fetch() array of objects?

in either case should check return of call make sure returning expect - basic defensive coding practice


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