A common batch file to setup variables -

i working on multiple batch files , want them share variables, created batch file has these setups setupenv:

rem general setup :: pause or not after running batch file set ispause = true  :: directory source code located set directory = d  :: folders primary & secondary source code located :: have 2 source code folders, if don't have them pointing same folder set primary_source_code = \dev\app set secondary_source_code = \dev\app2  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: xampp ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: rem if you're using xampp set these :: destination folder set base_destination = c:\xampp\htdocs  :: base url pointing destination folder (in cases it's localhost) set base_url =  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: angular ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: rem if you're using angular set these :: folder built code copied set build_file = dist 

and batch file i'm calling file first:

::setup call ../setupenv  echo %directory% dir pause; 

the problem though file runs smoothly , can see in outputs things being setup, variables not coming across file i'm calling from. in example %directory% not being printed.

edit tried using joey's answer:

::setup /f "delims=" %%x in (../setupenv.txt) (set "%%x")  echo %directory% dir pause 

but didn't work either , %directory% didn't printed

setting variables in called batchfile works, long don't use setlocal in called batchfile (there implicite endlocal, when returns, variables lost):

> type a.bat set var=old echo %var% call b.bat echo %var%  > type b.bat set var=new  > a.bat  > set var=old  > echo old old  > call b.bat  > set var=new  > echo new new  > 

for alternative for solution, change to:

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type b.bat^|findstr /bic:"set "') %%a 

this "execute" lines, start set (ignoring capitalization), can keep comments inside file.

note: ... set "%%a" adds set line (you have 1 in file), resulting in set "set var=value", don't want.


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