python - Bash script to open new terminals for separate operations generated with Python3 -

i have written python code making operations on data file. logging procedure if there problem have previous information start.

here code operation:

output2file = open('output/output.csv', 'a', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')  datafile = open('input','r',encoding='ascii',errors='ignore')  count = 0 line in datafile.readlines():     count += 1      splittedline = line.lower().strip().split(' | ')     emails = list(splittedline[1])      check = myprocess(splittedline[0],splittedline[1])     print(str(count))      if count%100 == 0:         logmaintain = open('log','w')         logmaintain.write(str(count))         logmaintain.close()         result in resultant:             output2file.write(str(result))         resultant = []     if check == '':         pass    datafile.close() output2file.close() 

most of time owing power cut , less backup, came across issue of loss of lines written. hence, kept log , remove lines input , start process again. idea me if there files below 10. can 50 files, , if happen havoc me manually.

hence know how can create bash script automate process.

here description of trying do:

1) open single file process in separate terminal.
2) check line number in log file , remove many number of lines input file. used command sed -e "1,20000d;" input > input1

3) rename files. previous file added string old , new file name of original file:

mv input input_old mv input1 input 

4) start process again. if there no log file process must executed is.

i have maintain log in log folder , output in output folder. input file kept outside python script run.

i hope hear soon. kindly me.

note: resultant global list , stores data process temporarily , writes file after 100 lines completed , agian become empty storing next slot of 100 lines.


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