What may the reason of change in app signature even i used the same keystore for android app -

i have published app @ play store. made changes in application , used same key store key alias , key password generate signed apk new version. when tried update app, says previous version have different app signature,

here list have changed in new version

  • changed launcher activity
  • added new activities
  • added 2 more receivers
  • added more use permissions

if need manifest of previous , new version app upload it

this logcat while updating app

09-11 11:41:13.591 18410-18437/? i/seatbelt: scan verification results 'clean' = com.vovoapps.freesms

09-11 11:41:14.391 2730-2913/? i/mstg: com.vovoapps.freesms installing..

09-11 11:41:14.451 2730-2913/? w/packagemanager: package com.vovoapps.freesms signatures not match installed version; ignoring!

compare certificates of both apk's using below commands.

keytool -list -printcert -jarfile app.apk 

if not same might have missed something


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