web api - System.PlatformNotSupported exception with service stack -

i trying run service stack application, works fine on dev machine when deployed on box, system.platformnotsupported exception. stack trace below:

unhandled exception: system.platformnotsupportedexception: operation not supported on platform. @ @`1 urlbases, waitcallback listencallback) @ urlbase) @ excaliburapphost.program.main(string[] args)

i trying build restful app self hosting (with no iis support on other box).

var listeningon = args.length == 0 ? "http://*:8090/" : args[0]; var apphost = new apphost() .init() .start(listeningon);

error occurs in apphost().start() method

if have unmanaged .dlls e.g. sqlite3.dll may need set platform target of project x86.

you can try running console app administrator / sudo in-case it's permissions issue.


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