objective c - how to detect user clicked iOS remote notification? -

when user taps on remote notification, following callback triggered in app delegate:


in scenario, application launched , app state uiapplicationstateactive interpret user actioned on remote notification.

the problem: method can called when remote notification arrives , app in foreground with inactive state.

example: when notification center view open(swipe top edge of screen down) or uialert open. in both case application state uiapplicationstateactive , there no way tell whether it's user actioned notification or system push received.

q: how can determine if didreceiveremotenotification callback response user tapping on remote notification vs arrival of remote notification?

uiapplicationstate state = [application applicationstate];      if (state == uiapplicationstateactive)      {            //when app in foreground , received push notification      }      else if (state == uiapplicationstateinactive)       {           //when app in background , received push notification      } 

also, didfinishlaunchingwithoptions called if app not running , user tapped notification. have not tried can assume can notification details options.


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