database - oracle grammar to h2 grammar (+) join table -

i have following query oracle

   select distinct count(pa.payment_id)       location c,    inventory e,     inventory_stock es,    payment_client ep,     payment pa,    currency cur,     location s,    exchange_country exc,     exchange_rate sso,     exchange_hike so,     exchange_margin sov      cur.outstate = 'n' ,     c.location_id = e.location_id ,     e.inventory_id = ep.inventory_id ,     e.inventory_stock_id = es.inventory_stock_id ,     ep.client_id = pa.end_client ,     pa.cur_id = cur.cur_id ,     cur.location_id = s.location_id ,     c.client_id  not null  ,     cur.cur_id = exc.cur_id(+) ,     exc.exchange_id = sso.exchange_id(+) ,     sso.account_id = so.account_id(+) ,     so.option_name(+)  = 'premium' ,     exc.exchange_id = sov.exchange_id(+) ,  = 'value'; 

right using h2 database , syntax error got so.option_name(+) ,; know (+) oracle's way of right join , left join there possible way convert h2 error , grammar equivalent?

it's time move on. oracle's legacy outer join syntax no longer recommended oracle. from docs:

oracle recommends use clause outer join syntax rather oracle join operator. outer join queries use oracle join operator (+) subject following rules , restrictions, not apply clause outer join syntax [...]

if replace (+) usage outer join, not query work on both oracle , h2, important step forward application whole.

select distinct count(pa.payment_id)  location c join inventory e on c.location_id = e.location_id join payment_client ep on e.inventory_id = ep.inventory_id join inventory_stock es on e.inventory_stock_id = es.inventory_stock_id join payment pa on ep.client_id = pa.end_client join currency cur on pa.cur_id = cur.cur_id join location s on cur.location_id = s.location_id left join exchange_country exc on cur.cur_id = exc.cur_id left join exchange_rate sso on exc.exchange_id = sso.exchange_id left join exchange_hike    on sso.account_id = so.account_id   , so.option_name = 'premium' left join exchange_margin sov    on exc.exchange_id = sov.exchange_id   , = 'value' c.client_id not null , cur.outstate = 'n' 

the importance when converting (+) left join pay close attention predicates must go on clause, , predicates fine in where clause. in particular, following 2 predicates must go in relevant left joined table's on clause:

  • so.option_name(+) = 'premium'
  • = 'value'


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