Not able to run app on MobileFirst 7.1 Android simulator -

import sample hello world app (v7.0 version) mobilefirst 7.1 (, deploy , run on android simulator, getting alert dialog entry gap_init:2 , 2 buttons, if dismiss dialog ok or cancel button, hello world page shown. however, if run our app has adapter call server, app doesn't run after dismiss dialog. same app can run in iphone simulator without problem. browser console log has error after alert dialog pops : typeerror: this.vectorlayer undefined after dismiss dialog, console log add error: typeerror: cordova.exec not function found other people have reported similar error v7.0. , wonder whether fixed or not.

edit: in fact not related android emulator, previewing android environment in mobilefirst console's mbs. happens due regression , taken care of in apar pi50036 cordova "gap_init:2" error when previewing android in mbs.

i cannot confirm this.
using latest 7.1 ifix available ibm fix central (i using ibm mobilefirst platform studio

  1. created new project , application, added android environment
  2. added wl.client.connect() code displays alert in case of successor failure, in common\js\main.js
  3. launched in android emulator (avd running 5.0.1)

my alert showing "success" displayed.

the thing had make sure of app connecting correct host in generated android project > assets >, changed host value "mbp-idan" (my hostname) actual ip address.


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