c# - breeze - sending header to server doesnt work -

i trying send custom header server. dont see in request headers on server. tried using following:

var ajaximpl = breeze.config.getadapterinstance("ajax");  ajaximpl.defaultsettings = {        headers: {             // cors or other headers want specify.            "x-test-header": "foo2"         }, }; 

as as:

 var ajaximpl = breeze.config.getadapterinstance("ajax");  ajaximpl.defaultsettings = {        beforesend: function(jqxhr, settings) {               // examine jqxhr or settings , customize headers accordingly.               jqxhr.setrequestheader("x-test-before-send-header", "foo2");        }  }; 

and tried using "ajax"as "dataservice" adapterinstance. have no idea why should not work...


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