javascript - Getting undefined for a key that exists -

i new node.js don't think should happening:

const snekfetch = require('snekfetch'); const auth = require('../auth.json'); const totext = require('html-to-text'); = async (bot, message, args) => {     const content = args.join(" ");     const tagged = args[0];      snekfetch.get(""+tagged+"&intitle="+content+"&site=stackoverflow&key=censored")     .then(r => console.log(r["body"]["items"]["accepted_answer_id"]));     /*     var text = htmltotext.fromstring(bodyofsnek, {         wordwrap: 130     });     */ } 

this prints out undefined. removing ["accepted_answer_id"] gives me object:

[{"tags":["javascript","object","undefined"],"owner":{"reputation":60056,"user_id":797,"user_type":"registered","accept_rate":68,"profile_image":"","display_name":"matt sheppard","link":""},"is_answered":true,"view_count":857526,"protected_date":1335343521,"accepted_answer_id":416327,"answer_count":37,"score":2180,"last_activity_date":1504076618,"creation_date":1219735508,"last_edit_date":1447031189,"question_id":27509,"link":"","title":"detecting undefined object property"}] 

and can see accepted_answer_id in there value 416327. why returning undefined?

items array. need reference index value, not key name.

for example:



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