c++11 - Custom C++ stream for custom type -

i've read custom streams c++ seems people inherit std::streambuf, std::istream, , std::ostream. inspecting type's declarations becomes clear these meant characters:

typedef basic_streambuf<char>        streambuf; 

the docs confirm this:

input stream objects can read , interpret input sequences of characters.

obviously, makes sense. i'm wondering correct way of implementing stream other types. not want allow text other forms of binary input/output (i have specific formats). obvious step seems to inherit basic variants of above (basic_streambuf, basic_istream, , basic_ostream) , use whatever type see fit template parameter. failed find confirmation right procedure. so, it?

edit clarification: have class called segment. these streams send/receive segments , segments on wifi connection these used in communication protocol. sending else break protocol. means stream cannot support other types.

this not answer question in terms of inheriting std::basic_* non-char types. following comments , given application, questioning need reimplement whole standard stream machinery segment type, when can define class stream operator:

class segmentstream { public:      segmentstream& operator<< ( const segment& s ); } 

better yet clarify code defining methods send , recv instead of >>, <<. or perhaps explain why not sufficient , why want use standard streams?


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