stage - What is SEDA (Staged Event Driven Architecture)? -

seda: architecture well-conditioned, scalable internet services

"seda acronym staged event-driven architecture, , decomposes complex, event-driven application set of stages connected queues."

i understand it's architecture , there many implementations of seda (see wikipedia article). "stage"? can give thorough high-level summary of staged event-driven architecture, , how differs traditional (unstaged?) event driven architectures?

a stage analogous "event". simplify idea, think of seda series of events sending messages between them.

one reason use kind of architecture, think, fragment logic , can connect , decouple each event, high performance services low latency requirements fits well.

if use java tpe, monitor health, throughput, errors, latency of each stage, , find performance bottleneck is. , nice side effect, smaller pieces of code, can test them , increment code coverage (that case).

for record, internal architecture of cassandra (nosql), , mule esb (afaik).

i recommend reading original paper (sorry, duplicate link):

here framework i've created model seda java ee:


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