reactjs - React Source code: What does it mean by "real internal dependencies" -

i browsing react source code , noticed reactdomfiberfbentry.js (

this file has following comment:

 // these real internal dependencies trickier remove: 

what mean "real internal dependencies" internal react itself, react dom? i'm sure blindingly obvious i'm not quite sure. word "real" have meaning in case?


/**  * copyright 2013-present, facebook, inc.  * rights reserved.  *  * source code licensed under bsd-style license found in  * license file in root directory of source tree. additional grant  * of patent rights can found in patents file in same directory.  */  'use strict';  var reactdomfiber = require('reactdomfiberentry');  object.assign(   reactdomfiber.__secret_internals_do_not_use_or_you_will_be_fired,   {     // these real internal dependencies trickier remove:     reactbrowsereventemitter: require('reactbrowsereventemitter'),     reacterrorutils: require('reacterrorutils'),     reactfibererrorlogger: require('reactfibererrorlogger'),     reactfibertreereflection: require('reactfibertreereflection'),     reactdomcomponenttree: require('reactdomcomponenttree'),     reactinstancemap: require('reactinstancemap'),     // used ajaxify on www:     domproperty: require('domproperty'),     // these dependencies of tapeventplugin:     eventpluginutils: require('eventpluginutils'),     eventpropagators: require('eventpropagators'),     syntheticuievent: require('syntheticuievent'),   }, );  module.exports = reactdomfiber; 


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