Get full conversation with Android query -

i messages 1 contact. have contact id _id, i've :

private void displaymessages() {     contentresolver cr = this.getcontentresolver();       try {         cursor cursor = cr.query(uri.parse("content://mms-sms/conversations"), new string[]{"*"}, this.contid + "= _id" , null, null); //contid unique id 1 contact in our android.         while (cursor.movetonext()) {             system.out.println("number: " + cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindexorthrow("address")));             system.out.println("body : " + cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindexorthrow("body")));         }         cursor.close();      }     catch (exception e) {         system.out.print("error");     } 

i've asked like

select * content://mms-sms/conversations _id = contid 

as can see, in query, ask system messages 1 contact (user id know) can display last message body. think exists others query messages 1 user ?

any ideas ???

i doubt _id in case id of contact sending sms/mms rather thread's id. column want use query clause recipient_ids. debugging purpose try without clause , dump cursor analyze results

cursor cursor = cr.query(uri.parse("content://mms-sms/conversations"), new string[]{"*"}, null , null, null); databaseutils.dumpcursor(cursor); 


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