How to print a 5 bit/n bit number in C? -

let's have int x. want print first 5 bits of x. how can this? i've heard can like

printf("%d", x & 0x05); 

to print first 5 bits of x outputs 0 in function.

if compiling gcc, visual studio 2015 (or later), or clang, can use 0b (binary) prefix, can see bitmask want, instead of 0x (hexadecimal) prefix, little less intuitive.

int x = 127; printf("%d\n", x & 0b11111000); // prints 120 printf("%d\n", x & 0b00011111); // prints 31 

these examples mask out 3 least significant bits (1, 2 , 4), or 3 significant bits (64, 32 , 16), leaving other 5.

if compiling compiler not listed above, can import boost_binary macro.

if want view actual bits, might want see this question.


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