DShow Sample Code for playing video does not play the video MSDN C++ -

i referring example program provided here run video file, in case mp4 format using dshow.

refer complete code:

#include <dshow.h> #pragma comment (lib, "strmiids.lib") void main(void) {     igraphbuilder *pgraph = null;     imediacontrol *pcontrol = null;     imediaevent   *pevent = null;      // initialize com library.     hresult hr = coinitialize(null);     if (failed(hr))     {         printf("error - not initialize com library");         return;     }      // create filter graph manager , query interfaces.     hr = cocreateinstance(clsid_filtergraph, null, clsctx_inproc_server,                          iid_igraphbuilder, (void **)&pgraph);     if (failed(hr))     {         printf("error - not create filter graph manager.");         return;     }      hr = pgraph->queryinterface(iid_imediacontrol, (void **)&pcontrol);     hr = pgraph->queryinterface(iid_imediaevent, (void **)&pevent);      // build graph. important: change string file on system.     hr = pgraph->renderfile(l"c:\\example.avi", null);     if (succeeded(hr))     {         // run graph.         hr = pcontrol->run();         if (succeeded(hr))         {             // wait completion.             long evcode;             pevent->waitforcompletion(infinite, &evcode);              // note: not use infinite in real application, because             // can block indefinitely.         }     }     pcontrol->release();     pevent->release();     pgraph->release();     couninitialize(); } 

however when build program, build sucessful when run it, console window pops , disappears within second.

i referred comments on same page , many others faced same issue. few able run program.

what doing wrong?

is type of project selecting? selecting win32 console application. should select else? or there else doing wrong?


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