ruby on rails - Set id on a csv import for a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship -

i have 2 models in app: list.rb , contacts.rb, have has_and_belongs_to_many relationship. have following method in contacts_controller.rb:

def import   contact.import(params[:file])   redirect_to contacts_path, notice: "contacts imported." end 

i calling method after creating list in list#create action. how can set/input list_id import method above, records created through csv file?

thank you!

you need first list, example in show method. make sure import member-route.

@list = list.find(params[:id]) 

you need modify import method, takes second parameter list.

def contact.import_for_list(file, list)    # loop on csv lines      # each line create contact element      # , add new contact element list      list.contacts << newly_created_contact       # or create contact list object    # depending how created objects need save them explicitly end 

and lastly call modified method

def import   @list = list.find(params[:id])   contact.import_for_list(params[:file], @list)   redirect_to contacts_path, notice: "contacts imported." end 


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