jpa - Stop some validations at the persist time in Spring -

is there way stop validations executed @ time of data persist.

i know

but believe disables validations, want disable of fields (password specifically, encoded time , pattern doesn't match). thanks!

update(more details):

@pattern(regexp = "^[a-za-z0-9_@!]+$") private string password; 

i have password field validated using above pattern (a-z, a-z, 0-9 , _,@,!). in controller validates success below code.

@requestmapping(value = "/adduser", method = public modelandview signup(modelandview modelandview, @modelattribute @valid loginuser loginuser, bindingresult bindingresult) {     loginuser loginuseradded = null;      if (!bindingresult.haserrors()) {         loginuser.setpassword(passwordencoder.encode(loginuser.getpassword()));         loginuseradded = createuser(loginuser);  .... 

but before persist encode password , throws error while calling save method in jparepository because password value has been changed encoder , doesnt satisfy pattern validation applied it.

now looking way can disable validation on field @ time of persist.


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