VBScript Spoof iPhone Mobile User Agent in IE -

how can spoof user agent on demand in internet explorer via vbscript? there site want access intended mobile devices. goal spoof ios mobile device. need able fake agent, display page, ad interact it. google failing me.


this snippet of code connects http://www.whatsmyua.com/ pretending iphone 6 , prints output of site:

dim o : set o = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") o.open "get", "http://www.whatsmyua.com/", false o.setrequestheader "user-agent", "mozilla/5.0 (iphone; cpu iphone os 6_0 mac os x) applewebkit/536.26 (khtml, gecko) version/6.0 mobile/10a5376e safari/8536.25" o.send wscript.echo o.responsetext 

i didn't have iphone 6 hand used this question determine user agent.


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