accordion - angularjs $scope.$watch causes FireFox to do a complete reload -

i have simple watch on local scope variable make query update json array when value changes. works fine in chrome , ie11. in firefox watch causes entire page reload loosing data might have been collected.

the radio in ui-bootstrap-tpls accordian header. here plunker details.

the plunker has 4 sections.

  1. radio in accordion w/o function stop propagation
  2. radio in body of accordion
  3. radio in according header function
  4. radio in body of 2nd accordion

the radio in #1 causes accordion close not set value.
items #2 , $4 work expected (watch console log).
item #3 causes session restart in firefox.

no errors presented in firebug's console. reloads.

i need prevent accordion closing can set value of radio. firefox not function calling $event.stoppropagation();

any suggestions?

thanks always.


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