c# - Win8 - Winforms mouse transparent form with clickable controls in it -

i'm trying make mouse transparent form in win8 , winforms, contains controls clickable.

i'm able make form mouse transparent, using code

int initialstyle = getwindowlong(this.handle, -20); setwindowlong(this.handle, -20, initialstyle | 0x80000 | 0x20); 

(on win8 wndproc approach not work)

but when make form mouse transparent, controls contained in form mouse transparent

what can do?

you can create form , set both backcolor , transparencykey properties color.magenta.


enter image description here

click pass through window , reaches behind it, of click on button 1, button clicked.

note: trick works colors, example if use color.red transparent handles clicks, using magenta form mouse transparent too.


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