fortran - Reading 1D and 2D array from the file -

this code:

program reading_from_file  implicit none  integer::i,j integer,dimension(3)::type_sndm integer,dimension(2,3)::type_nndm real,dimension(3)::lenght_sndm real,dimension(2,3)::lenght_nndm character(350),parameter::fmta_1_5='(2x,3(f4.2,2x,i1,3x))' character(350),parameter::fmta_1_6='(/,/,/,2x,4(f5.3,2x,i1,3x))'  open(unit=15,file='input.txt',status='unknown',action='readwrite')      read(15,trim(adjustl(fmta_1_5)))(lenght_sndm(j),type_sndm(j),j=1,3)      concurrent(i=1:2)         read(15,trim(adjustl(fmta_1_6)))(lenght_nndm(i,j),type_nndm(i,j),j=1,3)      end  close(unit=15,status='keep')  open(unit=15,file='output.txt',status='unknown',action='readwrite')      write(15,trim(adjustl(fmta_1_5)))(lenght_sndm(j),type_sndm(j),j=1,3)      concurrent(i=1:2)         write(15,trim(adjustl(fmta_1_6)))(lenght_nndm(i,j),type_nndm(i,j),j=1,3)      end  close(unit=15,status='keep')  end program reading_from_file 

this content of input.txt:

|2.50||2| |2.50||2| |2.50||2|    |0.250||3| |0.250||3| |0.250||3|  |0.250||3| |0.250||3| |0.250||3| 

i tring read values input.txt file. next intention write values in output.txt file. afther program execution message is: fortan runtime error: end of file. wrong code or formats of reading?

your format fmta_1_6 tries skip 3 lines /,/,/,, (i guess) meant skip 2 blank lines between lines 1 , 4. second read in loop (i=2) attempts blank lines. lines don't exist, , eof error.

you should skip 2 blank lines before entering loop. also, should not using concurrent do i/o operations.

after adding these changes, , fixing input.txt file transcription error, code appears work. section within read now:

read(15,trim(adjustl(fmta_1_5)))(lenght_sndm(j),type_sndm(j),j=1,3)  ! -- skip 2 lines read(15,*) read(15,*)  i=1,2     read(15,trim(adjustl(fmta_1_6)))(lenght_nndm(i,j),type_nndm(i,j),j=1,3)  end 

with format:


presumably should write 2 blank lines in section.


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