javascript - Tooltip on bootstrap checkbox label doesn't hide when marking / clearing the checkbox -

this show tooltip when hovering on label of checkbox , hide when not hovering.


<div style="margin: 2em 0 0 2em">   <label id="checkbox-label">   <input type="checkbox">checkbox</label> </div> 


$('#checkbox-label').tooltip({   title: "this tooltip won't disappear when checkbox checked.",   placement: "right" }) 

the problem when user checks or unchecks checkbox, tooltip doesn't hide until user clicks somewhere else on screen.

how can make tooltip disappear when checkbox checked/unchecked?

here's js fiddle reproducing problem:

just fyi although has been answered.

for future reference when tooptip shown bootstrap fires event. way can conditionally check something. if pass event function can run event.preventdefault() if condition fails , not want tooltip show.

$('#checkbox-label').on(' change', function (e) {     $this = $(this);     if (e.type == 'show' && $this.find(":checkbox").is(":checked")) {         e.preventdefault();     } else if (e.type == 'change') {         $this.find(":checkbox").is(":checked") ? $this.tooltip('hide') : $this.tooltip('show');     } }); 


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