php - Form not showing properly with Plesk on Mac Mail -

i have form emailing , posting database should. problem when sends email addresses on our own server (parallels plesk) , comes mac mail comes through little corrupt. text broken , there's $= on form. has part of html coding sat @ top of email, like:

<= /tr><= td colspan='3'>further comments:   = <= /tr><= td width='40%' colspan='2'>expectations 

but everytime it's different. i.e. there's no thing everytime comes through; everytime symbols , coding little different.

this code emailing it:

<?php $servername = "***"; $username = "***"; $password = "***"; $dbname = "***";   try {     $conn = new pdo("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);      // set pdo error mode exception     $conn->setattribute(pdo::attr_errmode, pdo::errmode_exception);      // prepare sql , bind parameters     $stmt = $conn->prepare("insert guestquestionnaire (date_submitted, choice, expectations, res, res_information, res_staff, further_comments1)     values (:date_submitted, :choice, :expectations, :res, :res_information, :res_staff, :further_comments1)");     $stmt->bindparam(':date_submitted', $date, pdo::param_str);     $stmt->bindparam(':choice', $choice);     $stmt->bindparam(':expectations', $expectations);     $stmt->bindparam(':res', $res);     $stmt->bindparam(':res_information', $res_information);     $stmt->bindparam(':res_staff', $res_staff);     $stmt->bindparam(':further_comments1', $further_comments1);       // insert row     $date = date('y-m-d h:i:s');     $choice = $_post['choice'];     $expectations = $_post['expectations'];     $res = $_post['res'];     $res_information = $_post['res_information'];     $res_staff = $_post['res_staff'];     $further_comments1 = $_post['further_comments1'];     $stmt->execute();      }  catch(pdoexception $e)     {     echo "error: " . $e->getmessage();     } $conn = null;    ?>    <?php  require 'phpmailerautoload.php';  //phpmailer object $mail = new phpmailer;  //from email address , name $mail->from = ""; $mail->fromname = "host person";  //to address , name $mail->addaddress("", "user"); $mail->addaddress(""); //recipient name optional  //address recipient reply $mail->addreplyto("", "reply");  //cc , bcc $mail->addcc(""); $mail->addbcc("");  //send html or plain text email $mail->ishtml(true);  $mail->subject = "guest questionnaire received";   // build message.  $img="<img src='".$_post['res'].".jpg'>";  $img2="<img src='".$_post['res_information'].".jpg'>";  $img3="<img src='".$_post['res_staff'].".jpg'>";              $message = '<html><body>';               $message .=  "<strong>guest questionnaire </strong>";             $message .=  "<strong>received: </strong>";             $message .=  "<p>";              $message .= '<table rules="all" style="border: 1px solid #999;" cellpadding="7" width="100%" >';              $message .= "<tr style='background: #566890; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; color: #fff;'><td colspan='3'>prior arrival</td></tr>";               $message .= "<tr style='font-size: 8pt;'><td>what made choose recent trip? </td><td width='40%' colspan='2'>" . strip_tags($_post['choice']) . "</td></tr>";              $message .= "<tr style='font-size: 8pt;'><td>did meet expectations advertised? if no, please state why: </td><td width='40%' colspan='2'>" . strip_tags($_post['expectations']) . "</td></tr>";                          $message .= "<tr style='background: #566890; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; color: #fff;'><td colspan='3'>making reservation</td></tr>";               $message .= "<tr style='font-size: 8pt;'><td>ease of making reservation: </td><td width='40%'>$img</td><td width='5%'>" . strip_tags($_post['res']) . "</td></tr>";               $message .= "<tr style='font-size: 8pt;'><td>hotel information offered: </td><td width='40%'>$img2</td><td width='5%'>" . strip_tags($_post['res_information']) . "</td></tr>";               $message .= "<tr style='font-size: 8pt;'><td>warmth , friendliness of staff: </td><td width='40%'>$img3</td><td width='5%'>" . strip_tags($_post['res_staff']) . "</td></tr>";              $message .= "<tr style='font-size: 8pt;'><td colspan='3'>further comments: </br></br>" . strip_tags($_post['further_comments1']) . "</td></tr>";               $message .= "</table>";              $message .=  "<br>";                  $message .= "</table>";             $message .= "</body></html>"; $message .= "</body></html>";  $mail->body = "".$message."";   if(!$mail->send())  {     echo "mailer error: " . $mail->errorinfo; }   ?>  <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="surveystyle.css" media="all" />      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.inputfocus-0.9.min.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery.main.js"></script>         <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script>  <script> $(function() { $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker(); }); </script> </head> <body>  <div id="container">                   <div class="logo-header"><img src="images/logo.jpg" alt="" width="205" height="119" /></div> 

i have gone through many different ways identify problem somewhere between particular form, our server , mac mail. believe can changed on form make work (i don't know what). form displays fine on webmail platform , other email accounts (not on our server) display form fine.

any appreciated!!!


i went through , removed each line see if try , investigate error. seems problem length of form. if there 10 entries or goes through fine (regardless of field is) once it's on 10 entries starts giving weird $= on place. weird. ideas?


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