Using MailGun for ruby on rails application on Heroku -

i trying use mailgun send emails in rubyonrails application hosted on heroku.

i added mailgun addon heroku application. updated config/environments/production.rb below:

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp   config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {     :port           => env['mailgun_smtp_port'],     :address        => env['mailgun_smtp_server'],     :user_name      => env['mailgun_smtp_login'],     :password       => env['mailgun_smtp_password'],     :domain         => '', #mydomain contains realvalue     :authentication => :plain,   } 

i created file in app/mailers directory:

class applicationmailer < actionmailer::base   default from: ""    def notify_user(user)     puts "going send email!! to"     puts user     mail(to: user, subject: "welcome!")   end end 

in application_controller.rb

i have function:

def notify_people()     puts "notify people!"     applicationmailer.notify_user("")     puts "over" end 

from 1 of other controllers call notify_people. in heroku logs, notify people! being printed, , nothing after that. not able understand why not able called notify_user.

my notify_user function is:

class applicationmailer < actionmailer::base default from: "" #layout 'mailer' def notify_user(user) puts "going send email!! to" puts user mail(to: user, subject: "welcome!") puts "done sending mail!" return end end

call mailer .deliver_later:


also, make sure env variables set on heroku using details mailgun account.

edit: you're getting exception call applicationmailer. ideally should troubleshoot in development, if needed can add: config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true production.rb visibility what's happening.

tangentially, instead of print statements take @ debuggers byebug , pry-byebug. can save lot of time troubleshooting.


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