Java Split String using regular expression -

i have string reads parsegeopoint[30.132531,31.312511]. how can coordinates saved in double variables. i.e. want have double lat = 30.132531; , double lang = 31.312511;

here have tried:

string mytext = "parsegeopoint[30.132531,31.312511]"; string [] latlong= mytext.split("["); //it needs escape character string [] latlong2= latlong[1].split(","); double lat = double.parsedouble(latlong2[0]); string[] latlong3= latlong2[1].split("]");//also escape character needed here double lang = double.parsedouble(latlong3[0]); 

two things: how split on square bracket given needs escape character? second, feel in way. there must simpler way. it?

how split on square bracket given needs escape character?

i guess mean doesn't compile:

string [] latlong= mytext.split("["); 

to make compile, escape [:

string [] latlong= mytext.split("\\["); 

here's way extract doubles string using regular expressions:

pattern pattern = pattern.compile("parsegeopoint\\[([\\d.-]+),([\\d.-]+)]"); matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(mytext); if (matcher.matches()) {     lat = double.parsedouble(;     lang = double.parsedouble(; } 

another way using substrings:

int bracketstartindex = mytext.indexof('['); int commaindex = mytext.indexof(','); int bracketendindex = mytext.indexof(']'); lat = double.parsedouble(mytext.substring(bracketstartindex + 1, commaindex)); lang = double.parsedouble(mytext.substring(commaindex + 1, bracketendindex)); 


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