go - golang viper yaml parsing a list of maps -

yaml alwyas gives me headache...

i trying parse yaml config file using spf13/viper easy, giving me trouble here

type container struct {     name     string `yaml:"name"`     maxcpu   int64  `yaml:"max-cpu"`     maxmem   int64  `yaml:"max-mem"`     minprocs int64  `yaml:"min-procs"` }  // conf struct combines containers , email settings structs type conf struct {     containers []container `yaml:"containers"`     email      email       `yaml:"email_addresses"`     postman    postman     `yaml:"email_settings"` } 

the yaml file trying parse...

--- containers:   -     name: container1     max-cpu: 2 

viper's unmarshal function pretty straightforward , don't think problem is, somewhere in yaml formatting. parsed struct looks in terminal...

{[{container1 0 0 0}] { []  []} {  }}  


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