How to loop through same column on specific sheets in excel vba? -

hi stackoverflow community:

i'd loop through same column on 3 specific sheets in workbook. understand there needs along lines of code similar what's been posted here , here, can't seem them work , instead receive error '1004', "application-defined or object-defined error".

additional notes: entered "for each ws in workbook.sheets" after declarations, , "next" @ end before "end sub". tried processing code after "r=1" in code below , received same 1004 error. tried "next" after loop code , still looped through first sheet.

this code:

sub makewordlist() dim inputsheet worksheet dim wordlistsheet worksheet dim puncchars variant, x variant dim long, r long dim txt string dim wordcnt long dim allwords range dim pc pivotcache dim pt pivottable      application.screenupdating = false     set inputsheet = activesheet     set wordlistsheet = worksheets.add(after:=worksheets(sheets.count))     wordlistsheet.range("a1") = "all words"     wordlistsheet.range("a1").font.bold = true     inputsheet.activate     wordcnt = 2     puncchars = array(".", ",", ";", ":", "'", "!", "#", _         "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", " - ", "_", "--", "+", _         "=", "~", "/", "\", "{", "}", "[", "]", """", "?", "*")     r = 1   '   loop until blank cell encountered     while cells(r, 7) <> "" '       covert uppercase         txt = ucase(cells(r, 7)) '       remove punctuation         = 0 ubound(puncchars)             txt = replace(txt, puncchars(i), "")         next '       remove excess spaces         txt = worksheetfunction.trim(txt) '       extract words         x = split(txt)         = 0 ubound(x)             wordlistsheet.cells(wordcnt, 1) = x(i)             wordcnt = wordcnt + 1         next     r = r + 1     loop  '   create pivot table     wordlistsheet.activate     set allwords = range("a1").currentregion     set pc = activeworkbook.pivotcaches.add _         (sourcetype:=xldatabase, _         sourcedata:=allwords)     set pt = pc.createpivottable _         (tabledestination:=range("c1"), _         tablename:="pivottable1")     pt         .adddatafield .pivotfields("all words")         .pivotfields("all words").orientation = xlrowfield     end  end sub 

is there way can loop through first 3 sheets or identify sheets want loop through? specifically, i'd loop through column g of each of first 3 sheets.

i'd this, haven't had chance test out may need tidying up.

dim lsheets(2)  lsheets(0) = "sheet1" lsheets(1) = "sheet2" lsheets(2) = "sheet3"      application.screenupdating = false      set wordlistsheet = worksheets.add(after:=worksheets(sheets.count))     wordlistsheet.range("a1") = "all words"     wordlistsheet.range("a1").font.bold = true  k = lbound(lsheets) ubound(lsheets)     set inputsheet = sheets(lsheets(k))      inputsheet.activate  'rest of code'      r = r + 1     loop  next k   '   create pivot table     wordlistsheet.activate  'rest of code' 


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