vi - How to turn off autoindent -

i cannot seem turn off autoindent in vi. seems limited comment character #
if begin new line spaces , # following lines begin same, though dont want that.
behavior not reproduced if begin new line spaces or tabs.
have following set

 noautoindent nocindent nosmartindent nocopyindent 

not sure whether matters nocindent following set too

 nocindent   comments=:#  

after spending time on this, able come solution (actually, two).
turns out formatoptions getting set "croql" reason, when opened file. solution disable "r" option. can find more details on "r" option here

solution 1

 :set formatoptions-=r 

the short form work

 :set fo-=r

solution 2

 :set fo=tcql 

to confirm changes in place, use following command

 :set fo 

option "r" should not present.


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