javascript - React Router cannot read ToUpperCase of undefined... basic example -

i have correct dependencies installed (react , react-router here) , using basic example react router github page... cannot rid of error.

my react router @ 0.13.3 & react @ 0.13.3 well.

here's code, in jsx:

import "../css/master.scss";  import react 'react'; import { router, route, link } 'react-router';  const app = react.createclass({     render() {         return (             <div>                 <h1>app</h1>                     <ul>                         <li>                             <link to="about">about</link>                         </li>                     </ul>                     {this.props.children}             </div>         )     } })  const = react.createclass({     render() {         return <h3>about</h3>     } })  const contact = react.createclass({     render() {         return <h3>contact</h3>     } })  const routes = {   path: '/',   component: app,   childroutes: [     { path: 'about', component: },     { path: 'contact', component: contact },   ] }   react.render(<router routes={routes} />, document.getelementbyid('app')); 

i changed final statement match , rendered react components. didn't see in quick intro on react-router.

sorry stackoverflow v_v

import "../css/master.scss";  import react 'react'; import  router, { route, link } 'react-router';  const app = react.createclass({     render() {         return (             <div>                 <h1><link to="/">app</link></h1>                     <ul>                         <li><link to="about">about</link></li>                         <li><link to="contact">contact</link></li>                     </ul>                     {this.props.children}             </div>         )     } })  const = react.createclass({     render() {         return <h3>about</h3>     } })  const contact = react.createclass({     render() {         return <h3>contact</h3>     } })  const approutes = (     <route path="/" handler={app}>         <route name="about" handler={about} />         <route name="contact" handler={contact} />     </route> );, router.hashlocation, (root) => {   react.render(<root />, document.getelementbyid('app')); }); 


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