How to solve i++ loop error in Python? -

my code giving following error: indexerror: list index out of range know if there way use similar i++ loop java in python code print "name" + iten list every iten of list positioning.

sorry if seems bit confusing beginner hard explain somethings :p


i = 0 "name" + list[0] = 1 "price" + list[1] = 2 "name" + list[2] 


    import pickle   list1 = [] ans = " "  class product:     def __init__(self, name, price): = name         self.price = price   while ans != 'no':     ans = input("would add new product, 'yes' or 'no': ")     if ans == 'no':         break     if ans == 'yes':         name = input("what product name?")         price = input("what product price?")         list1.append(name)         list1.append(price)   output = open("save1.pkl", 'wb') pickle.dump(list1, output,pickle.highest_protocol)  output.close()  print(" ")  inputfile = open("save1.pkl", 'rb') list2 = pickle.load(inputfile) inputfile.close()  in range(0,10):     print("name:" + list2[i] + " " + "price:" + list2[i + 1]) 

so looks you've got list indices names, , odd indices prices. don't want or need indexing here, because python has better solutions problem c. combine extended slicing zip iterate them natively in pairs:

for name, price in zip(list2[::2], list2[1::2]):     print("name:" + name + " " + "price:" + price) 

the list2[::2] getting every other element beginning end, while list2[1::2] gets every other element index 1 end. zip returns tuples of paired values each slice, value @ index 0 , 1 first name , price, 2 , 3 give second name , price, etc. unpack them meaningful names in loop itself, instead of working indices of list2 cryptic meanings, it's clear we've got name , price.


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