javascript - Subscription not working angular2 -

i have angular2 program in want update data of component when click made on component. have made service in have 2 methods 1 updating data , other getting data.

my service follows

import { injectable } '@angular/core'; import { subject } 'rxjs/subject'; import { observable } 'rxjs/observable'; import { behaviorsubject } 'rxjs/behaviorsubject';   @injectable() export class dataserviceservice {      public subject = new subject<any>();      sendmessage(message: any) {       debugger;{ text: message });     }      clearmessage() {;     }      getmessage(): observable<any> {         return this.subject;     } } 

in component a click made. have function update data.

onclick()     {        this._dataserviceservice.sendmessage(this.getjsondata());     } 

and in component b have subscribed way.

 ngoninit() { debugger;      this.subscription = this._dataserviceservice.getmessage().subscribe(message => { this.message = message;      console.log(this.message)      debugger;     });   } 

if subscription in same component works fine in other component not updating data. appreciated.

edit of understanding main issue subscriber component loading after service initialized.

try replacing getmessage() function :

getmessage(): observable<any> {     return this.subject.asobservable(); } 

it seems of right now, getmessage() not return observable object, explain why subscribe method in ineffective.


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