Javascript - Template Strings Don't Pretty Print Objects -

can use es6 template strings pretty print javascript objects? react native project, console.log() outputting chrome debugging tools.

what want

const description = 'app opened'; const properties = { key1: 'val1', blah: 123 }; console.log('description: ', description, '. properties: ', properties); 


pretty printing

template string attempt

// same description , properties const logstring = `description: ${description}. properties: ${properties}`; console.log(logstring); 


enter image description here


how first output (with pretty printing) using template strings?

your first example not output string console. notice how properties passed separate parameter argument (as surrounded commas , , not string-concatenation operators +).

when pass object (or javascript value) console discrete argument can display how wishes - including interactive formatted display, in first example.

in second example, you're using templated-strings, it's (generally) equivalent this:

logstring = "description: " + description.tostring() + ". properties: " + properties.tostring()"; 

and object.prototype.tostring() returns [object object] default.

in order json (literally javascript object notation) representation of object used in templated string use json.stringify:

logstring = `description: ${ description }. properties: ${ json.stringify( properties ) }.` 

or consider extending tostring own types:

mypropertiesconstructor.prototype.tostring = function() {     return json.stringify( ); }; 


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