angular - Angular2 and LeafletJS locate() -

i'm working on ionic 2 application learn how use maps etc , want locate user on map on button click event, showing marker well. in leafletjs docs mentions

function onlocationfound(e) {     var radius = e.accuracy / 2;      l.marker(e.latlng).addto(map)         .bindpopup("you within " + radius + " meters point").openpopup();, radius).addto(map); }  map.on('locationfound', onlocationfound); 

but i'm not sure how call map.on within ionic2 app.

i have method :

onlocateme() {{       setview: true,       maxzoom: 16,       enablehighaccuracy: true     });'locationfound', this.onlocationfound);   } 

which thought work call onlocationfound method, does't work. how can use map.on call once map.locate() method called?


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