java - How do I copy element which reference from int array >=40 to a new String array -

i have int array , string array of same length, , want create new string array containing elements original string array; elements @ positions int on corresponding position in int array less or equal 40.

public void check (int[]a,string []y){  string[]copy =new string[] for(int i=0,i=j,k;k<copy.length,i<a.length; i++,j++,k++){  if(a[i]>=50)          y[j]=copy[k] 


you need specify length of array.


string[] copy = new string[20]; <---- 

it helps use ; <---- @ end of each command. period in sentence...

i think might wanted:

public class inttostrng {

public static void main(string[]  args) {      int[] ints = {2, 3, 4,5,  6, 7,};      string[] stng = new string[ints.length];      for(int = 0; i<ints.length; ++)     {         stng[i] = integer.tostring(ints[i]);     }    } 



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