vb.net - vb filepath getter code gets different filepath then C# getter code -

i converting vb website app c# , of conversions producing weird results example

dim holidayfilepath = hostingenvironment.mappath("~/content/usa_holidays.txt") dim slist new list(of date) slist = getholidays(holidayfilepath) dim s string = slist.aggregate("", function(current, ddate) current & ddate.tostring()) 

returns filepath variable


and code snippet works expected, producing list of dates strings.

but c# version

 public actionresult index()     {         var holidayfilepath = hostingenvironment.mappath("~/content/usa_holidays.txt");                     var slist = new list<datetime>();         slist = daycalcs.getholidays(holidayfilepath);         var s = slist.aggregate("", (current, ddate) => current + ddate.tostring(cultureinfo.currentculture));          return view(s);     } 

returns holidayfilepath variable


which produces exception.

is there reason same code line produces different result in c#? why c# version insert double backslashes causing error?

it produces typeinitializationexception innerexception

{"could not find part of path 'x:\\folder\\toolkit\\toolkit\\datafiles\\holidays.txt'."} 

isn't variable call supposed do? correct file path, finding folder datafiles? since error occurring when calling getholidays, here code snippett

 public static list<datetime> getholidays(string holidaysfile)     {         var salldates = file.readalllines(holidaysfile);         return salldates.select(convert.todatetime).tolist();     } 


well exception said looking datafiles/holidays.txt, absolutely 0 clue why, changed folder , filename , works. incredibly strange. text file , folder, original names created in solution using add new item dropdown exception coming beyond understanding.

in vb.net, strings more literal , there isn't need escape backslashes. in c#, backslash escape character, has escaped itself.

you should try like:

var holidayfilepath = hostingenvironment.mappath("~/content/usa_holidays.txt");  var fullpath = path.getfullpath(holidayfilepath);            var slist = new list<datetime>(); slist = daycalcs.getholidays(fullpath); 


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